Trainetics Presents To WHO For WONCA Working Party On Global Quality & Safety.

The WHO (World Health Organisation) is compromised of many elements one of which is WONCA. WONCA is an unusual, yet convenient acronym comprising the first five initials of the World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners/Family Physicians. WONCA's short name is World Organization of Family Doctors. The WHO recognised at their 72nd assembly in 2019 that improving patient safety, especially from unsafe acts within while under the care of the health system is a major issue. This recognition led to the development of the Global safety Action Plan. This was presented to the 2021 assembly and aims to provide Member States and other stakeholders with an action-oriented framework to facilitate the implementation of strategic patient safety interventions at all levels of health systems globally over the next 10 years (2021–2030).

The action plan has some incredible and frightening statistics, for example, worldwide, annually there are 134 million unsafe acts in medical settings contributing to an expected 2.6 million deaths per year. In an aviation context the equivalent of crashing 96 A380’s every day!
The fact that the WHO is spearheading this initiative to eliminate these events over the next decade is a fantastic step. It is also interesting to read how the action plan puts a huge focus on improving Human Factors (HF) training as a key element in making those improvements. As the first part of this process WONCA asked Trainetics be part of their push to introduce HF concepts into Primary Care. This was done as a webinar on 14 th Dec 2022 attended live by representatives from as far afield as China, Africa, North and South America and is to be hosted on the WONCA website to allow other members to view at their leisure (and time zone).
Trainetics were asked to be involved and contribute to this project as a leader in the practical application of Human Factors principles and tools.