BSc, BVetMed(Hons), MVetMed, PhD DipECVN, MRCVS
Programme Director
Leadership, Veterinary
Tom is a veterinary neurologist and neurosurgeon who completed his specialist training at the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) where he helped establish a brain and tissue bank to advance research into neurological diseases. Tom spent two years as a lecturer in neurology and neurosurgery at the RVC before moving to private practice and is currently head of service at a leading veterinary referral centre. Areas of interest include the lifelong management of canine epilepsy and the use of 3D printed guides and implants in complex spinal surgeries. Tom has published in a wide variety of subject areas and presented at multiple national and international conferences. He also mentors a number of students across the UK seeking to study veterinary medicine as a post-graduate degree.
Prior to his veterinary career Tom completed a PhD in neuropharmacology at Cambridge University and worked in the pharmaceutical industry performing commercial strategy analysis on central nervous system drug pipelines for leading pharmaceutical companies. Tom subsequently joined the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) in London as their Business Pipeline Manager providing a critical link between the regulatory body and global pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies.
Throughout his veterinary career Tom has had a strong interest in the impact of mental health and wellbeing on the performance of individuals and organisations within the veterinary sector. This naturally progressed to an interest in Human Factors and the impact they have on the quality of care that veterinarians deliver to their patients and themselves.