BVetMed, MScVet(GP), DProf, FRCVS
Veterinary Faculty
Bradley qualified from the Royal Veterinary College in 1978 and after a year as an assistant started up his own veterinary practice, that grew into a group of five small animal practices in and around NW London. Communicating veterinary science to the public has always been a major interest, and soon developed a reputation as an author, radio presenter and TV vet on a wide range of programmes, including a spell as the Blue Peter vet.
In 2000 he joined a group of experience practitioners who all wished to collaborate to develop a postgraduate qualification in veterinary primary care, and as part of this, he completed an MSc and then a Professional Doctorate with Middlesex University, focussing on quality improvement and particularly the use of clinical audit as a tool to drive forward practice standards. He stood for election to the Council of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeon and was elected four times, culminating in his appointment as President in 2015. He helped to develop the modular Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice and was a co-founder of VetLearning that has been running modules aimed at developing primary care skills for post-graduate vets. In 2018 he was awarded Fellowship of the Royal College for Meritorious Contributions to Veterinary Practice.
Bradley has a deep interest in quality improvement in general veterinary practice, was appointed as a Trustee of RCVS Knowledge and became the first Chair of their Quality Improvement Advisory Board. After selling his practices in 2017, he took up a position as Group Quality Lead for the Linnaeus Group and was also appointed as the independent Chair of the RCVS Preliminary Investigations Committee that is responsible for maintaining standards by handling veterinary professional conduct issues.